Rediscovering Catholicism by Matthew Kelly
Tuesday, June 29, 2004
Ruth: Chapter 4 Searching for Identity
Wow…..What a vision and challenge this chapter offers. Am I different because I AM CATHOLIC?…..I do think that since Vatican 2 we have been looking in all the wrong places for our Catholic identity. In the process of looking we have lost the basis of our faith through lack of catechesis. I see a church stripped of its’ devotionals and sacramentals. I see Catholic people that look more protestant than Catholic almost ashamed to be “Catholic”…apologetic or somewhat embarassed at times for being committed Catholics. The mainstream seems to be cafeteria Catholics picking and choosing what WE want to believe. In some ways I think the liberal “sterile” church has been unable or unwilling to pass on a live, vibrant Catholic faith. ……………..The beginning of the chapter talks about the mission of the church and states that “Christ did not entrust the Church with a political, social, or economic mission, but with a mission that is primarily spiritual”….. I want to jump up and down and say yes…….our social works should be the result of our faith….not replacing it. Our good works have to come from our relationship with our Lord or they are just good works not Christ’s works. This chapter hit a nerve with me……. As chair of our Spiritual Growth Committee I saw on the top of page 38 what our mission as a committee could be: “Christ has commissioned the Church to guide and direct each of us individually along this path.” This refers back to page 37 that states, “It is the task of the Church to introduce us to our destiny by opening to us the mystery of God, who is our ultimate end and our destiny…..becoming the person we were created to be.” …………. Later on it states on p. 39 that for the early Christians, Christianity was a lifestyle and the pinnacle of their common life was the celebrated Eucharist. The closest I have been to this experience is with our TEAMS group which is a small faith sharing group of married couples with our spiritual director (Fr.Dan). We meet monthly to share our joys and sorrows and to challenge each other in our commitment to our vocations and faith journey. When we see each other at Mass on Sunday, worshiping our Lord together, we are truly blessed. We comfort each other in sorrow and help each other when needed. We are blessed to be part of this group but this is what the church is and should be….shared lives and shared Eucharist faith …. I should be so proud of my “Catholic” identity and I am…. But there is always more to it. How do I intergrate my faith into my life decisions and choices? ......I have so much room to grow. .....I look forward to seeing if this chapter was as exciting to others as it was to me. Don't we wish that the last paragraph of this chapter was true. Together we pray that God will transform us all into Catholics of great virtue.

Monday, June 28, 2004
Note from another participant
(This was sent to me by a new participant) ......... " Hi Ruth, I did get the book and it's great so far. Just started reading it and impressed. Still have to make the time to sit at the computer and write though. Not enough hours in the day. ............. "

Sunday, June 27, 2004
Week Two = chapters 4, 5 and 6
Read on..... This week we should post/comment on the next three chapters (4,5,6). Please let me know if this is to fast a pace. You are still welcome to post/comment on the first three chapters. Your participation in this book study is a blessing to all. Thanks for participating......... Ruth

Saturday, June 26, 2004
Ruth - Chapter 3: Is Jesus Still Relevant?
Chapter 3: So far, I find it very east to reflect on the topics of this book. As I mentioned in an earlier post, I just read a book called “Sacred Thirst.” This chapter reminded me of that book. I now think of my yearning for God now as my “Sacred Thirst.” On page 33 Kelly states, “Only in God will man find the truth and happiness he NEVER stops yearning for.” This statement was consoling for me. With the Lord’s help I try to live the Christian life. I am trying to grow in my faith, in my prayer life, in service, etc…..but in some ways it seems like the better I think I am doing the stronger the “Sacred Thirst.” Matthew’s statement said to me that WE DO FIND truth and happiness in Christ but we NEVER STOP YEARNING. We find yet still yearn…..always that “Sacred Thirst” which has been implanted deep within.

Ruth - Chapter 2 The Prevailing Philosophy
Chapter 2: On the bottom of page 16 Kelly asks whether our society is built on rock or sand. Yicks! When I look and see the individualism, hedonism, and minimalism it does make me wonder where it will all stop. Questions that come to mind are what is my personal house built on and how long will society’s house, obviously built on sand, last? Do you think society has allowed its base to change from rock to sand?…….. I really related to Kelly’s analogy on page 20 of the slow acceptance of deterioration being like a frog in water where the heat is slowly raised. The frog doesn’t jump out …he tolerates the slow increase in heat and dies. When Tom and I were first married we lived in Germany for two years - away from American TV. When we returned we were shocked by what was then shown and accepted as normal. That was thirty years ago. It is a zillion times worse today. How much will we tolerate? Like Michelle said (I think it was Michelle) we have to do something but now that we have allowed the deterioration how do we put it back in the bag? How do we stop it? If it was not for my faith in Christ, I would feel hopeless. With Christ I know we have to "bloom where we are planted" so to speak and try to make a difference.

Week one = Through chapter 3
Yes, this week we are suppose to read and comment on the introductions through page 33. I have been so busy I have not posted on chapter 2 and 3 but will this evening........ We went to the ordination today at the cathedral. It was wonderful.....we have three new priest for the diocese....We are thankful for them and need to keep praying for more. Corrine....Thanks for asking the question........Ruth

Thursday, June 24, 2004
Thank you
Joann and Corrine......thank you for your wonderful posting. I thought your comments were insightful and I really appreciated how you turned your thoughts into prayers. I had hoped we would all do this book study prayerfully which helps bring it to the personal level....thank you for making that visible........Ruth

Rediscovering Catholicism Chapter 1
Chapter 1, Our Universal Hunger: Yes, we, today, lack for nothing. We seem to have everything we need but still keep searching as our hearts will always be hungry for God's "truth". I asked myself where am I at?! When Matthew Kelly wrote, "Don't tell me, show me!" hit me as I contemplate how do I witness my life to others as an "authentic" example of being a loving follower of Christ, or am I just another Christian doing a lot of talking and making a lot of noise. Lord, help me to be an "authentic/genuine" "Christ"ian witness and give me the grace to be disciplined by witnessing to others the kindness, compassion, forgiveness and acceptance, freedom and love You give to me each day! May my life be a celebration of your love! JoAnn

Sunday, June 20, 2004
Ruth - Intro. and Chapter 1
Introduction - What an awesome parable to start this book off with. We are so familiar with the real “savior’s story that, at times, it looses its’ impact. Thinking of this parable called me to ponder the love the Lord has for us…the real salvation story. I had read this parable before. I hope it is new for some of you. ………….. Part 1: We Become What We Celebrate – “We seem unable to capture the attention and intrigue the imagination of people the way our spiritual ancestors did.” The church now, except for its scandals and occasional public stand on moral issues, seems to be an indistinguishable part of society. Are we different because we are Catholic? I have to ask myself, “Other than seeing me at daily mass can people tell I am a committed Catholic?” How do we get people to connect to the “story” in this day and age? Matthew answers, “There is something ultimately attractive about people striving to become the-best-version-of-themselves. This is what we need to rediscover as a church.” I think that we are now too much a part of our culture … not transformed by the gospel, not living differently. I don’t think that my values look any different than my neighbors other than the fact that I attend mass daily. I am not on a guilt trip but wonder what “should” be different? Chapter 1: Our Universal Hunger – (p.8)“A great poverty ....the shortage of men and woman willing to lead humanity along the right path.” I agree that many people today seem to have no depth to their lives but a great hunger, I just read a book called “Sacred Thirst” that grappled with this universal hunger/thirst. Searchers want or need to see Christianity lived. Gandi’s statement (p.12) that he has not met a real Christian or he would have become one is profound. Are we an untransformed people, unrecognizable “Christians”? If we are really so unrecognizable are we really authentically Christian? I have to change the question from the general to the specific…..How should I be different than I am and can I change?????? How do I need to change? Oh here is a line that describes me (p. 12): ‘We know the truth, but we lack the discipline and strength of character to align the action of our lives with that truth.” That is me….to a tee….. undisciplined but I do desire to live the real Christian life.

Thursday, June 10, 2004
Hello, I have accepted joining this blog. JoAnn

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