Rediscovering Catholicism by Matthew Kelly
Saturday, June 26, 2004
Ruth - Chapter 2 The Prevailing Philosophy
Chapter 2: On the bottom of page 16 Kelly asks whether our society is built on rock or sand. Yicks! When I look and see the individualism, hedonism, and minimalism it does make me wonder where it will all stop. Questions that come to mind are what is my personal house built on and how long will society’s house, obviously built on sand, last? Do you think society has allowed its base to change from rock to sand?…….. I really related to Kelly’s analogy on page 20 of the slow acceptance of deterioration being like a frog in water where the heat is slowly raised. The frog doesn’t jump out …he tolerates the slow increase in heat and dies. When Tom and I were first married we lived in Germany for two years - away from American TV. When we returned we were shocked by what was then shown and accepted as normal. That was thirty years ago. It is a zillion times worse today. How much will we tolerate? Like Michelle said (I think it was Michelle) we have to do something but now that we have allowed the deterioration how do we put it back in the bag? How do we stop it? If it was not for my faith in Christ, I would feel hopeless. With Christ I know we have to "bloom where we are planted" so to speak and try to make a difference.

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