Rediscovering Catholicism by Matthew Kelly
Thursday, July 08, 2004
Kathy - Chap 7
Kathy-Chap 7 As a youth I too attended Mass almost daily year round. Such a big part of my growing up was helping out at our church, convent and school. Maybe that was just a part of being Catholic in a smaller community & living close to all 3! When I moved away I strayed. No matter where I went I missed that closeness to my faith that I had left behind. It took me years to get back on track. I would say I am finally at peace again, but hunger for all that I missed. It is difficult to convey what I missed to my children. They see faith much differently than I do. I guess they hunger socially. I now understand that is ok. Service work for God is faith & I just need to accept that they need compansionship to do some things. Maybe they don't want to show their spirituality alone just as we often don't. This past year I have rediscovered Mary. After being named after the Blessed Virgin (which I had hated) I made a committment to pray more diligently to Mary. First I sought forgiveness for not liking to be called Mary.This stems from birth...I can't put into words the gifts I have rec'd from Mary since then. I truly believe that Mary & the Saints have a wonderful impact on anyone who takes the time to explore the wealth they have to give. I wouldn't say I put Saints on a pedastal but I love them for the discipline they had and amazing sacrafices they endured.They overcame the "3 philosophies" that I need to work on. Am I afraid I will be labeled a "Holy Roller" if I speak of my faith outside the "safe" group, those seeking spirituality like me...most of the time I am. I see and hear myself often in this book...what a great and powerful way to search my soul!! Ruth, 2 or 3 Chapters are fine ...I just need time to blog! -- Posted by webelieve to Rediscovering Catholicism by Matthew Kelly at 7/7/2004 03:14:19 PM For some reason this posting has not shown up on the BLOG so I am adding it but it is from Kathy. If her posting finally does show up I will delete this copy that I am posting.

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