Rediscovering Catholicism by Matthew Kelly
Friday, July 23, 2004
Ruth - Chapter 11: Who Will Be Next?
p. 139 – “First man creates a problem and then God, in his infinite wisdom, creates a solution.” This line made me think about the poor catechesis that has plagued the Church of the last two generations. We created this problem…now what do we see? We see all kinds of apologetic resources and organizations coming to the fore-front of the Catholic Church. We see converts from protestant churches who bring their gift of teaching and love of scripture with them into the Catholic Church. It is good to look at how the Spirit is working out a solution in this area and it gives us hope to know that the Spirit is in charge. We created a problem and the Spirit is working out a solution. “If the problems today are greater than ever before, then God will raise up saints greater than ever before.” We have to trust that HE will ……… This chapter again tells us to reflect on the life of the saints as these stories help us to become the best-version-of-ourselves. Compare that with what we see at the movies or on TV. “We become the stories we listen to” (143) Yicks! The chapter boiled down to analyzing everything we do and deciding if it helps us to become the best-version-of ourselves otherwise the activity is a least wastefully if not harmful. …..Saint heroes make us feel that we can be greater by following their example. ……………. ”Your playing small doesn’t serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us…….As we are liberated from our fear, our presence automatically liberates other.” This quote hit home. I think many of us have a false sense of humility……How do we take credit for something the Lord obviously did through us? An example is the Women’s conference that has held in March. I truly feel the conference was the Lord’s work through us. But how do you accept praise yet direct the glory to God? People should see that if He can use us to touch the lives of 170 women he can use others in other great ways….us ordinary people can accomplish great things if we step out in faith. Does acknowledging this liberate others to step out in faith? Maybe. Hopefully.

I usually go blank and then stumble for a response to the compliment. I need to become more habitual in giving the Lord the Glory because that is truly where the glory belongs. Connie, thanks for the comment.
Praising the Lord,
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