Rediscovering Catholicism by Matthew Kelly
Thursday, July 29, 2004
Ruth Chapter 12 - Reconciliation
Chapter 12: I read this chapter with amusement because the Lord has been working on me in this area. It is extremely amusing to me that in the other online book study that I am concurrently doing this week’s topic is also Reconciliation….both the same week. There has to be a message here somewhere. Something the Lord has done since Easter is to lay it on my heart to humbly go to my own pastor for Reconciliation rather than to some unknown priest during communal parish Reconciliation services. That was my previous behavior. With amusement and openness I read this chapter. …….. On p. 159 I liked the analogy of the athlete analyzing his/her game/performance to find his weakness and how the serious athletes then “work tirelessly to transform their weaknesses into strengths.” What a great analogy to life. We as serious Catholic have to be just as serious in our faith walk with the Lord, analyzing and confessing our weaknesses, repenting and praying for forgiveness and for the strength to change and then really striving to improve our performance with the Lord’s help. I find this to be an ongoing process, which is helped by the reading of scripture, books like this and studying the lives of the saints. …. “Great men and women want to know their weaknesses.” They are our role models. ………Matthew states “Repent means to turn back to God. Do you need to?” In our society right now it seems like we are not suppose to be judgmental. …We let people wallow in their sinfulness in the name of being open-mindedness. Do we need to repent? Yes! Do I need to repent? Yes! And I think we have a responsibility, with the Lord’s guidance, to lead others to repentance and into relationship with our Lord. Easier said than done! …… I liked the line “Every journey toward something is a journey away from something.” I want to walk a straight journey toward God but I tend to keep turning back and forward. Two steps forward and one step back….I hope the growth is forward. …… I also like the line on p. 163, “I find Reconciliation to be a humbling experience but not a humiliating one.” Amen to that. p. 165 states, “Reconciliation is not just a cleansing experience, but also a strengthening experience.” Amen to that to and what about the example of the clean car tending to stay clean and the dirty car tending to attract more dirt. I really find that I do strive to “stay clean” when I have humbled myself, looked at my sinfulness, repented, confessed, been absolved and been sent out to sin no more. Lord, may we all realize our value as being touched by the Master’s hand and let us hold on to that hand forever. I thank the Lord for our Catholic gift of Reconciliation.
I like your thought of the clean car tending to stay clean clean and dirty car attracting dirt, that's good, I had not heard that one before. Reconciliation is such a freeing experience. I, too, tend to go to a priest I don't know. However, I now look to the priest (any priest) as this is the face of Jesus and this has helped me. What is overwhelming for me is to see how God is so merciful and forgiving to me each day as I fall so often throughout the day. When I look at myself I am not the most forgiving person and yet, plunk! I fall and God is right there to pick me up, forgive me "again" and gives me his mercy. He never leaves me, it is I who makes the wrong choices. Lord, help us all to recognize our sins, repent, rejoice and then continue on to be God's holy, humble "doers" of His word! Thanks again Ruth for your beautiful gift of insight and sharing! JoAnn
Thanks, Joann, for your gracious comment....May the glory be the Lord's as he makes and remakes me into the woman He wants me to be.... I do find it easier to share my reflections by writing rather than to organize my thoughts in the mist of a conversation. May the Lord continue to bless all our reflections. I have really enjoying reading and learning from everyones thoughts. YSIC Ruth
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