Rediscovering Catholicism by Matthew Kelly
Thursday, July 01, 2004
Ruth ...Chapter 5: What are we celebrating
What were your thoughts about your parish when you read this chapter? ……When I think about what our parish celebrates I immediately think of Fr. Dan. He does “celebrate” the sacraments and faith moments not just "DO" them. I really get the feeling that he believes what he celebrates which makes the celebrations more grace filled for me……. The current conflict in the parish hinders our ability to fully celebrate yet hopefully the celebration also helps heal the conflict. Does that make since …. When the chapter talks about the relevance of Jesus’ life and teaching today it makes me realize that where the culture is tearing everything down, life (abortion), marriage (same-sex union, divorce, division, hurt, brokenness), etc the church is building the culture up…. continually standing for the positive it calls us to be better, more Christ like rather than pulling us downward… The church has to be even more counter culture in this day and age. It use to lead the culture, where now I think it has to struggle not to follow the culture. ......... Pope John Paul 2 and Mother Teresa have given us examples of leadership through personal holiness built on gospel values … How does one answer the question, “Are you thriving or just surviving?” In general, I feel that I am thriving when I am doing something that positively affects others. I am just surviving when I am self-centered… (That is why the empty nest is often difficult for some people). I do think that the gospel is calling me and transforming me at the same time and gives me a since of mission. ….. “Personal holiness is the answer to every problem” (p.48) It is the application of the values and principles of the Gospel to ….our everyday lives.” Can you imagine if all the people in our parish were actively striving for personal holiness….what a difference it would make in our community.... “…the best way to defend the faith is to celebrate our faith.” I am proud, hopefully in a good since, of our Catholic faith yet it seems like I always have to defend it even to those who are Catholic. I really want and need to celebrate my faith in the Lord and my Catholicism.... Lord, help us to apply your values to our lives and make us attractive to others…. pointing them to you and to your church.
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