Rediscovering Catholicism by Matthew Kelly
Tuesday, September 14, 2004
JoAnn Chapter 19 Time for a Change
I like what he said about Catholicism, "Catholicism is a gift that .... must be experienced to be fully appreciated." When you look at the Catholic faith as a "gift" that must be "experienced", and that our faith must be put into practice, one can see why so many Catholics "by name only" have issues with the Church that they want changed, such as married priests or women priests, etc. As Matthew states truth is unchanging and that we need to understand the relationship between an "issue" and what is the unchanging truth that guides the Church's position on that "issue". I like how he asks us, "Are we willing to change". He gives us the responsibility. We always want the other person (this time meaning the Church) to change. But, we must ask ourselves how we need to change so that the Church can grow and change. If I grow in virtue and faith and share it with my neighbor, and you do the same, and so on; oh how our Church would grow in faith and evangelism. The section on education was great. In regards to today's Catholic education system . . . why so many go through the system and then are not faith-going Church-goers is so sad. I worked in a Catholic school for seven years. There are so many dedicated teachers I can't really find fault with any of them. Matthew states that schools need "truth-seekers", those who first genuinely ask the question, "why does the Church teach what she teaches about...?" After reading this wonderful book I plan to give this book as a gift to some teachers I know. Their heart is with the Lord but we can all use more information to educate us so we can educate others. Evangelization section was also something I need to read and reinforce in myself to do. His four step plan: Friendship; pray for people we are trying to reach; tell our story; invite friends to Church events. As Matthew states, we all need to feel like we belong, so if we don't ask someone, they may go to another church to find this. Yes, there is such a shortage on vocations. Matthew says it loud and clear. "If we preach the Gospel, we will have vocations. If we live the Gospel, our seminaries will begin to overflow. Nothing is surer." This chapter had so much to say and challenges me again to be a doer of His word. Lord, give me the courage always to bring others to you in my actions and my words. JoAnn posted by Ruth for JoAnn
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